This complete guide to getting a degree certificate apostille in South Africa will walk you through the steps of authenticating your degree certificate for international use, as legalising educational qualifications for international use is a crucial step for South Africans wishing to pursue a professional career overseas. Whether it’s a matric certificate, bachelor’s degree, bachelor’s honours degree, master’s degree, doctorate, or academic transcript, ensuring that your hard-earned qualifications are valid abroad is essential for your acceptance.
Enter the apostille – a term you may not be familiar with but one that plays a pivotal role in simplifying the process of authenticating your educational credentials. Derived from the French word for ‘certification’, an apostille is more than just a special notary stamp; it’s a validation of your documents, such as degrees, making them acceptable in a country other than where they were originally issued.
This complete guide to getting a degree apostille in South Africa will guide you through the steps of getting an apostille for your educational certificates. So if you are considering having your degree apostilled in South Africa, this guide will provide you with some practical guidance, covering the options available, the appropriate authorities for apostilling, a step-by-step procedure, the documents required, and considerations regarding timelines and costs, so read on!
What is getting a Degree Certificate Apostille in South Africa?
Getting a Degree Certificate Apostille in South Africa is the process of authenticating or certifying an educational qualification so that it can be accepted in another country. An apostille is a seal of approval that authenticates your official documents. Global verification ensures that crucial documents such as academic degrees or legal papers receive recognition and acceptance in foreign countries. It simplifies using your documents internationally, especially if you’re planning to teach, work, or study abroad. Legalisation increases the confidence of the foreign authorities in your educational qualifications.
Where can I apostille my degree certificate in South Africa?
In South Africa, obtaining an apostille for a degree certificate involves a straightforward process with two primary issuing authorities: the South African High Court and the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) in Pretoria.
The step-by-step process for apostilling a degree certificate
There is a two-step process for apostilling a degree certificate at the High Court and DIRCO.
- High Court Degree Certificate Apostille:
Step 1: Obtain a copy of your original degree certificate from the Registrar’s Office of your institution.
Step 2: Notarize the copy of your degree certificate with a notary public.
Step 3: Submit the notarized certificate, and original degree certificate to the High Court’s registrar for apostille certification.
Step 4: Upon successful verification, the High Court issues an apostille certificate, confirming the degree certificate’s validity for international use.
Step 5: Collect the apostilled degree certificate from the High Court.
- DIRCO Degree Certificate Apostille:
Step 1: Obtain your original degree certificate from the Registrar’s Office of your institution.
Step 2: For institutions registered with the Departments of Basic or Higher Education and Training, verify your degree certificate by SAQA or Umalusi.
Step 3: Collect the letter of verification from SAQA.
Step 4: Submit the original letter of verification, and all documents to DIRCO for apostille certification. Either using a registered courier company (of your choice) to submit on your behalf or via registered mail (Post Office).
Step 5: Upon successful verification, DIRCO issues an Apostille certificate confirming the degree certificate’s validity for international use.
Step 6: Collection from DIRCO is strictly on an appointment basis. An email notification will be sent to confirm an appointment to collect your apostille once ready for collection.
Required Documents for Apostille
The documents required for DIRCO and the High Court Apostille are as follows:
High Court:
- Original degree certificate
- Notarized degree certificate
- Proof of identity (e.g., passport or South African ID)
- Original degree certificate
- Original SAQA/Umalusi letter of verification
- Proof of identity (e.g., passport or South African ID)
- Cover Letter
Timeline and costs
The duration of the two apostilles differs, as DIRCO reports that processing time for apostille documents has increased from two days to 6-7 weeks. The South African High Court takes two to five days to apostille documents due to their walk-in system, which allows personal submission without an appointment. The High Court and DIRCO are eligible for free apostilling degree certificates.
Please note: If your institution is not registered with the DHET, you must verify your degree certificate through the Public Notary or Registrar of the High Court. For specialized institutions like universities, the certificate can be verified directly with SAQA. The Complete Guide to Getting a Degree Certificate Apostille – South Africa serves as an invaluable resource for South African students and professionals aspiring to transcend national borders.
Global Apostille at Your Service!
To ensure the legality of South African documents outside the country, you must validate them with a South African apostille. At Global Apostille, we offer an express DIRCO apostille service to help you obtain your degree certificate apostille. Global Apostille also provides same-day translation services from Spanish, German, French, and Portuguese into English and vice versa. For more information on degree certificate apostille, please contact us at Tel: 012 348 3134, Mobile: 081 347 6060, or email