When seeking a visa to Spain, South Africans must submit a number of documents and supporting materials for the visa application. One of these essential documents is the HPCSA Medical Certificate, which plays a crucial role in the Spain visa application process.
This post will shed light on everything you need to know about the HPCSA medical certificate for Spain visa application in South Africa because regardless of the purpose of your stay, whether it’s for a visit, to study or to work and reside permanently in Spain, a good starting point is always to research the type of documents you’ll need to prepare and submit alongside your application to the Spanish Embassy.
What is the HPCSA Medical Certificate for Spain Visa?
The HPCSA medical certificate is nothing more than a letter from a doctor registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), the regulatory body for the health professions in South Africa, certifying that you are in good health. The Spanish government requires this letter to confirm that you do not suffer from certain diseases that could have serious public health consequences and could spread rapidly internationally. The International Health Regulations of 2005 list these diseases in two categories. The main purpose of the HPCSA medical certificate is to prove that you do not suffer from any disease or illness that would be exported if you were to travel from South Africa to Spain.
How to get the HPCSA medical certificate for Spain visa application?
To obtain an HPCSA medical certificate for Spain visa application, you should visit a medical practitioner and request a letter confirming that you are in good health. Your own GP or any private doctor in South Africa registered with the HPCSA can provide the HPCSA medical certificate. The issuing doctor must sign the HPCSA medical certificate, including their practice stamp and registration number. Furthermore, the HPCSA medical certificate must simply contain the following or similar wording.
“This health certificate states that Mr./Mrs. (…) does not suffer from any of the diseases that may have serious repercussions on public health, in accordance with what is stipulated in the International Health Regulations of 2005”.
The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also provided a template letter, which can be downloaded here. Doctors can copy the text onto letterhead paper, print it out and sign it – it’s that simple.
The HPCSA medical certificate must be issued within 3 months of the Spanish visa application appointment. Although your GP should be able to provide you with this medical certificate, it must be stamped by the HPCSA.
The HPCSA Authentication process
The Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) is a South African regulatory body that the Health Professions Act 56 of 1974 established. The purpose of the HPCSA is to oversee the training and registration of health professionals in accordance with the Act. They aim to protect the public by regulating health professionals in South Africa. Under Act 56 of 1974, all medical practitioners in South Africa are required to register with the HPCSA.
In the context of the Medical Certificate for Spain Visa, the HPCSA acts as a verifying agency to ensure that the issuing doctor is actually allowed to practice in South Africa. This is a requirement of the Spanish Embassy. So after receiving the medical certificate, one needs to submit the letter to the HPCSA who will check the doctor’s status and then verify that they are legitimate. Once this is done, they will also stamp the certificate. This process is done quickly as the HPCSA office which is located in Pretoria accept walk ins and officials do the verification on arrival. There is a fee of R 500.00 to be paid for the application.
HPCSA Physical Address: 553 Madiba Street, Arcadia, Pretoria
Tel: (+27) 12 338 9300/01
Apostille and translation
Certificates issued in South Africa must undergo legalization using a Hague Apostille issued by the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) and translation by a sworn translator to ensure recognition as a valid document by Spanish authorities.
Sworn official translations are official documents that do not require an apostille or other legalization to verify their authenticity. The sworn translator confers legality to a sworn translation through their stamp and signature. It’s essential to follow all the necessary steps and requirements when getting the HPCSA medical certificate for your Spain visa application, to avoid any complications or delays in the process.
Global Apostille Services
Global Apostille is your one-stop shop for Apostille services. If you need Apostille services in Pretoria, Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban, we can help! We offer apostilles from Pretoria’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) and the High Courts, facilitating document authentication. Our DIRCO Express Apostille service provides you with a guaranteed expedited Apostille within 5 days. We also offer a sworn translation service as well. We ensure that your important documents are properly certified in the shortest possible time. For more information on our services please contact us.
Tel: 012 348 3134| Mobile: 081 347 6060 | Email: info@apostillelegalisation.co.za