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Mon - Fri: 08:30am - 5pm

Embassy of South Africa in congo contact details


The Embassy of the Republic of South Africa in Kinshasa is the diplomatic mission of South Africa in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The South African Embassy in DRC provides consular services such as visa and passport services, emergency assistance, cultural exchange programs, and business opportunities to South African individuals living in or visiting DRC.
The South African diplomatic mission is headed by His Excellency Mr A M Shilubane and as the official representation of the Republic of South Africa in DRC, the embassy covers all matters concerning diplomatic relations between the two countries. Find below the Embassy of South Africa in Congo contact details and consulate in Lubumbashi, including addresses, e-mails, phone number and their consular services.

Embassy of the Republic of South Africa (Kinshasa)


Physical Address: No 77 Avenue Ngongo Lutete, Gombe, Kinshasa
Postal Address: Boite Postale 7829, Kinshasa 1, DRC
Phone Number: + 243 81 55 66586
Email: (General)/ (Political)/ (Admin)/ (Consular)/ (Immigration)
Operating Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 07:30- 16:30
Friday: 07:30 – 13:30
Consular Hours:
Monday – Friday: 09:00- 11:30 (for submissions and visa collections)

South African Consulate General in Lubumbashi

Physical Address: 2875 Lumumba Avenue, Lubumbashi, Katanga
Phone Number: + 243 81 558 3071, + 243 81 558 3072, + 243 81 558 3076
Email: (Political)/ (Admin)/ (Admin)
Consular Hours: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: 08:30-11:00 (for submissions)
Thursday: 14:00- 16:30 (for visa collections)
Friday: 09:00- 13:30 (for visa collections)

Consular Services


  • Issuing emergency passports (if yours got lost or stolen)
  • Replacing/renewing your South African passport
  • Issuing birth reports for South African children born abroad
  • Issuing death reports for South African residents who pass away abroad
  • Accepting ballots for elections for South African citizens in DRC
  • Navigating the foreign police, legal, and medical systems
  • Assisting South African citizens who get arrested or detained abroad
  • Notarising certain South African documents for use in a foreign country or home country
  • Assisting with emergency/evacuation situations
  • Providing short-term protection (situation-dependent)
  • Assisting local residents with citizenship matters pertaining to South Africa

Global Apostille, Your Legalization Partner

Global Apostille is a Pretoria-based legalisation agency that assists corporations and individuals in getting apostilles and embassy legalisation services in South Africa for documents to be used abroad. We make the legalisation and apostille of South African documents simple for our clients. Understanding that document authentication can be challenging and time-consuming, our main aim is to ensure our clients feel at ease. Our goal is to lessen this load by offering top-notch apostilling services at reasonable rates, without any hidden charges. Global Apostille can handle various types of documents on your behalf from Birth Certificates to Educational Certificates. Our service offers a comprehensive solution, ensuring both official translation and legalisation processes are straightforward. If you want to know more about our services, feel free to get in touch with us.

Tel: 012 348 3134 | 081 347 6060 | Email: 

Embassy of South Africa in Congo Contact Details
Article Name
Embassy of South Africa in Congo Contact Details
The detailed information about the Embassy and consulate of the Republic of South Africa in DRC, including addresses, e-mails, phone number and their consular services.
Publisher Name
Global Apostille Legalisation
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1 thought on “Embassy of South Africa in congo contact details”

  1. Charlene freeman 478 787 8303

    revoke European &Other foreign countries that have been colonizing African people of their enforced stolen corporations that are steal ing the wealth of our country fatherland Africa in your courts to prevent them from inflicting further harm of the defenseless impoverished citizens

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Global Apostille is a Pretoria-based authentication and legalisation agency that assist corporations and individuals in South Africa in obtaining Apostilles and Embassy legalisation service.


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