South Africans who are planning to apply for a visa to Colombia may come across the requirement to obtain an apostille certificate for certain important documents. Apostilles are government certificates that verify the authenticity of official documents issued in South Africa and ensure their acceptance in Colombia.
While the process of obtaining an Apostille certificate may seem unfamiliar to many South Africans, Apostilles are quite important as they play a crucial role in international transactions. In most cases, they are a mandatory administrative requirement and failure to include them in your Colombian visa application may result in your application being rejected.
In this basic guide to Apostille of South African Documents for Colombia Visa Application, we will explore what an Apostille is, why it is necessary for the Colombia visa process, and how you can obtain one in South Africa.
Understanding Apostilles certificates for Colombia visa application
Before delving into the specifics of obtaining an apostille for your Colombian visa process, let’s first understand what an apostille is and why it is required. The concept of an apostille comes from the Apostille Convention of 1961, a convention signed by several countries, including South Africa and Columbia to facilitate the legalisation and acceptance of public documents across borders. Prior to this convention, certifying documents for international use was a complex and time-consuming process, often requiring multiple signatures from different government agencies. However, the Apostille system allows all countries that have signed the convention to recognise an apostilled document as legally valid without requiring additional verification. This streamlined process has considerably simplified international transactions, including visa applications.
Why Do You Need an Apostille for the Colombian Visa Process?
Now that we have a basic understanding of apostilles, let’s explore why you need one for the Colombian visa process. When applying for a Colombian visa, you will be required to submit various documents in support of your application. To ensure the authenticity and validity of these documents, the Colombian government requires them to be apostilled.
For example, all minors (under 18) travelling to Colombia from South Africa, with or without their parents, must have an unabridged birth certificate, which requires an apostille. By obtaining an apostille for the birth certificate, you are providing official recognition from South Africa that the document is genuine and legitimate. This is crucial for visa applications as it helps the Colombian authorities to verify the accuracy and validity of the information provided. Without an apostille, the birth certificate may be considered insufficient or unreliable, which could delay or even jeopardise your visa application.
High Court and DIRCO Apostille
The South African High Court and the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) have the authority to apostille public documents for South African citizens and foreign nationals who require their South African official documents to be legalised for the purpose of applying for a Colombian visa.
DIRCO Apostille – The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) is authorised to apostil original certificates issued by government departments such as the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), South African Police Services (SAPS), etc. These certificates must be submitted to the Legalisation Section of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) in Pretoria for apostilisation.
High Court Apostille – The High Courts are authorised to apostille copies of original certificates, driving licences or legal documents such as affidavits, powers of attorney, employment contracts and/or translations. These documents must be certified by a Notary Public or translated by a Sworn Translator and then submitted to the Registrar of any High Court in South Africa for Apostille.
Colombia and South Africa do not share the same official language. International law requires that any document intended for official public use must be translated into the official language of the receiving country by a sworn translator. Therefore, documents issued in South Africa in English must be translated into Spanish, including the Apostille certificate, before submission to the Colombian Embassy.
General information about apostille:
- The Apostille Certificate is an A4 certificate that is attached to your document. Once affixed, it must never be removed or it will lose its validity.
- The DIRCO and High Court apostilles are equivalent and have the same legal value and that the Colombian embassies in Cape Town and Pretoria accept both DIRCO and High Court apostilles. It is therefore up to the applicant to choose which one to use.
- The Apostille can never be used to recognise a document in the country where it was issued, but only abroad.
- Apostille certificates do not expire.
Fast and Reliable Apostille Services for Colombia visa application
Navigating the intricacies of Apostille of South African Documents for Colombia Visa Application can be a daunting task, especially for individuals unfamiliar with the process and requirements. This is where Global Apostille steps in as a trusted partner and facilitator. With our extensive experience and expertise in document legalisation services, we offer invaluable assistance in seamlessly navigating the Apostille legalisation process.
We offer apostilles from the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) in Pretoria as well as from the High Courts. Our DIRCO Express Apostille service provides you with a guaranteed expedited Apostille within 5 days, which is faster than the standard DIRCO option which can normally take weeks. We ensure that your important documents are properly certified and translated in the shortest possible time. For more information on our services please contact us on Tel: 012 348 3134; Mobile: 081 347 6060; Email: