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What is a SAPS 91(a) form?

What is a SAPS 91(a) form?

The SAPS 91(a) form is the standard fingerprint form used by South African law enforcement agencies to take fingerprints. The SAPS 91(a) form contains spaces for the collection of biometric information as well as the applicant’s personal details and is mandatory for all applications for South African Police Clearance Certificates.

The personal information section includes fields such as full name, identity number, address and specific questions, and the biometric section has a space to record rolled fingerprints of each individual finger, as well as plain fingerprints of all ten fingers together. The SAPS 91(a) form allows fingerprints to be captured in a standard format which can then be processed, stored and shared with the Criminal Records and Crime Scene Management (CR & CSM) Unit of the South African Police Service (SAPS) in Pretoria for the processing of your South African Police Clearance Certificate.

If you need a Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) from South Africa, it’s essential to obtain, complete and submit the SAPS 91(a) form to ensure a smooth application process. Understanding how to properly complete the SAPS 91(a) form will help you to successfully submit your application and obtain your South African Police Clearance. In this article, we will discuss the different sections of the SAPS 91 form, explain how to complete it fully and highlight general rules and tips for successfully applying for South African Police Clearance

Section: Personal Information

The first section of the SAPS 91(a) form is for personal information about you, such as your full name, date of birth, address etcc. This section also asks specific questions about your criminal history and the purpose of your application. The following information is required:

  • What is a SAPS 91(a) form?
  • Full name and surname
  • Identity number
  • Town and country of birth
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Address
  • Have you ever been convicted of any offence? If so, state place, date and sentence?
  • Signature
  • Reason for enquiry
  1. Enter your full name, South African ID number, date and place of birth, gender and nationality. Make sure this information matches your ID or passport.
  2. Provide your full postal address, including the country you’re currently living in. This address will be used to send your Police Clearance Certificate when it is completed.
  3. Provide a telephone number and email address where you can be contacted if there are any problems with your application or for updates on its progress.
  4. Clearly state the reason for obtaining the Police Clearance Certificate. This could be for employment, immigration, visa application or any other relevant purpose.
  5. Sign and date the form to confirm that the information provided is accurate and complete.

Section: Fingerprints

The South African Police Service (SAPS) uses the traditional method of ink fingerprinting to take your fingerprints and the process of taking your fingerprints is the same as when people are taken into police custody following an arrest.  Each finger pad is rolled in ink and then rolled onto the space provided on the SAPS 91(a) form, which has a space for each fingerprint and spaces for the left and right four fingers to be taken simultaneously.

The fingerprints are then used by the South African Police Service (SAPS) Criminal Records and Crime Scene Management (CR & CSM) Unit in Pretoria to positively identify individuals and match their unique fingerprints with their criminal history.

Fingerprints must be taken at any SAPS police station in South Africa, or at your local police station, your local South African Embassy or High Commission, or an accredited fingerprinting agency if you are outside South Africa.

Regardless of technological advancements, ink fingerprinting is still the only legally accepted method of taking fingerprints to apply for a SAPS Police Clearance Certificate. There is also no way around this method as the SAPS does not accept digital scans of fingerprints.

General rules

  • use black ink when completing the form and insert only 1 character in each box
  • use capital letters when completing the form
  • all sections are mandatory and must be completed
  • if a field doesn’t apply to you, please leave it blank. Don’t enter N/A or any other variation
  • if you make a mistake, get a new form and start again – don’t use correction fluid.
  • if you have selected more than one of the yes/no options in error circle the correct box, we will accept the circled box
  • keep your signature within the provided box
  • you must not include stamps, staples or stickers on the form

Frequently Asked Questions about the SAPS 91(a) form

Q: What is the fingerprint form for South Africa?

The SAPS 91(a) form is the standard fingerprint form used by South African law enforcement agencies to take fingerprints

Q: where can I obtain the SAPS91(a) form

The SAPS 91(a) form is available free of charge from all SAPS police stations, or you can download it from this link.

Q: Does SAPS have my fingerprints?

If you have ever been arrested or had your fingerprints taken to obtain a Police Clearance Certificate, the SAPS will hold your fingerprints on its criminal database.

Q: How long does a SAPS fingerprinting session take?

Depending on the SAPS police station, fingerprinting sessions for Police Clearance Certificate applications take an average of 20 minutes, but can take longer due to queuing.

Q: How far back does a SAPS background check go?

An SAPS background check goes as far back as 7 – 10 years on average.

Q: Is ink fingerprinting messy

The ink used by the SAPS is quickly removed with a wipe they provide.

Global Apostille Police clearance Services

Global Apostille offers expert services to streamline and simplify obtaining the Police Clearance Certificate in just 7 working days after reception of the application. Our experienced team ensures accurate and efficient handling, providing peace of mind. We offer:

  1. Application Fast tracking: our experienced team aware of the proper channels and processes to use when submitting your application, which speeds up the process and lowers the risk of mistakes.
  2. Collection: Global Apostille will monitor the progress of your application, provide updates and ensure prompt collection of the final Police Clearance Certificate and courier delivery to you.
  3. Apostille & Translation: We can also assist with Dirco express Apostille and certified translation.

For more information, please contact us at:  Tel: 012 348 3134; Mobile: 081 347 6060; Email:


What is a SAPS 91(a) form?
Article Name
What is a SAPS 91(a) form?
The SAPS 91(a) form is the standard fingerprint form used by South African law enforcement agencies to take fingerprints. The SAPS 91(a) form contains spaces for the collection of biometric information as well as the applicant's personal details and is mandatory for all applications for South African Police Clearance Certificates.
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Global Apostille
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