Umalusi certificate verification – Umalusi council
The verification process of Umalusi certificate is a service that is conducted by, Umalusi as the council that sets and keeps track of the merits for general and higher education and training in South Africa. This is in line with the National Qualification Framework Act No 67 of 2008 and the General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act No 58 of 2001. The council is mainly accountable for quality assuring qualifications and the Umalusi certificate verification for successful individuals who have completed adult, vocational education, school, and training. Umalusi is ultimately responsible for all the certificates that were issued since September 1992, which were issued by the former South African Certification Council and the Umalusi council itself.
The Umalusi council issues a number of certificates for different institutions and educational levels. Find the list of the certificates below:
Certificates issued by Umalusi
- Senior Certificate
- General Education and Training Certificate
- National Senior Certificate (Schools)
- Subject Statement
- National N3 Certificate
- Subject Certificate
- National Certificate (Vocational) Level 2-4
- National Senior Certificate (FET colleges)
- Learning Area Certificate
Umalusi’s primary responsibilities
As Umalusi issues the South African educational certificates, it is also its duty to verify their authenticity and certification to potential educational institutions, employers or workplaces. Moreover, individuals that seek Umalusi certificate verification must bear in mind that the members of the public cannot easily apply for the Umalusi certificates verification, they should apply through an agency. The council certifies qualifications that are registered on the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Framework. National assessment of the qualification must be provided by either the state or an assessment body that has been accredited by Umalusi and the qualification tuition provider must be a public or private provider that has been accredited by Umalusi.
Umalusi certificate verification process
People who apply for the Umalusi certificate verification will have to provide the council with certified copies of the certificates that need to be verified, together with certified copies of their identity document or passport. As per application process, the individuals who request the Umalusi certificate verification will have to have to provide the council with information of the embassy, consular name or the high commission, then their name and surname, the identity number, email address, contact number and a contact person. Umalusi will then verify the certificates, then once they are verified, they will be sent to the Department of International Relations and Cooperation to be apostilled.
Apostille of academic certificates
The Apostille of academic certificates, which is also known as the certification service, is the process of legalizing documents that will be used in one of the foreign countries that are part of the Apostille Hague Convention. During this process, the academic certificates get verified and proven of their legitimacy, by means of attachment of an Apostille certificate. This service is mandatory for South Africans that want to use their academic certificates in one of the signatories of the convention. The Apostille certificate is mostly requested by foreign authorities, educational institutions and organizations in order for the documents to be of official use abroad. SA Apostille will effectively help you get your academic certificates certified by the correct government office, with no mistakes whatsoever.
Academic certificates we Apostille
- Certificate
- Diploma
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Baccalaureat Diploma
- Diplome d’Etat
- Matric certificate and many other academic certificates.
Our specialties.
SA Apostille Legalisation is a Pretoria based authentication and legalisation agency that provides absolute legalization services for all South African documents that need to be used internationally. We are familiar with all the document legalization procedures that different countries and documents require. Therefore, we guarantee you that the apostilled documents that we will send back to you after the legalization process, will be accepted in your country of destination. We pride ourselves on our timeliness and how we conduct expert service that ensures exceptional legalization services that will leave you in awe. Pretoria-based authentication and legalisation agency
If you are in need of Apostille services in Pretoria, Cape town, Johannesburg and Durban, we can assist! We provide Certificate Apostille from The Department of International Relations and Cooperation’s (DIRCO) in Pretoria. We ensure that your important documents are properly certified in the least amount of time possible.
Cell/WhatsApp: 081 347 6060
Tel: 012 348 3134

3 thoughts on “Umalusi certificate verification-Pretoria”
Hello I need my matric certificate from 2013
Good day Xolani,
Kindly note that we are a document legalisation and translation agency, and we don’t process
matric certificates ourselves.
We kindly recommend that you contact the Department of Basic Education.
Best regards.
I need my matric certificate