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A driver’s licence confirmation also called a driver’s licence certificate, serves as proof that you have a valid driver’s licence in South Africa. The driver’s licence confirmation also enables a person to convert their South African driver’s licence into another country’s driver’s licence. Not all countries accept South African driver’s licence, meaning that even if you submit your driver’s licence confirmation from South Africa, you’ll have to apply for that country’s specific driver’s licence or an International Driver’s licence.

How do I get my driver’s license confirmation in South Africa_-capetown-durban-pretoria-johannesburgIn order to get a driver’s licence confirmation in South Africa, you must submit all your required documents at the South African Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC). Once you’ve submitted the necessary documents the RTCM will verify your information which is captured in the National Traffic Information System and then you’ll be issued with your driver’s licence confirmation. The following article will guide you step by step on how to get your driver’s licence confirmation in South Africa.

5 Steps to follow to get your driver’s licence confirmation in South Africa


  1. The first step will be to email the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) at for a printout and your driver’s licence confirmation letter.
  2. In your request for the confirmation letter make sure you include your contact details, email address, copy of your ID or your driver’s license. The name of the country in which you’ll be using the driver’s licence confirmation letter must also be included.
  3. Once the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) receives your request, they will then investigate, and print your letter of confirmation and also a copy of the needed licence. The driver’s licence confirmation letter states the date on which you first got your driver’s licence.
  4. You should come personally to collect your driver’s licence confirmation letter, but most people requesting this letter are often overseas. In this case, you can send someone to get the driver’s licence confirmation letter or you can collect through a courier service.
  5. If you send someone to collect the confirmation letter for you, that person must have the correct identification with them in order to collect.

What is the use of a driver’s licence confirmation letter?

How do I get my driver’s license confirmation in South Africa-pretoria-johannesburg-capetown-durbanIf an individual is planning to move to another country, and planning to drive while there, they’ll need both their South African driver’s licence and a driver’s licence confirmation letter. This is used to prove that you do actually have a driver’s licence and also dates when you first got your driver’s licence. The initial date on which you got your driver’s licence, serves as your proof of experience on the road. Not all countries allow South African driver’s licences, meaning even if you have a driver’s licence confirmation letter you won’t be able to convert your South African driver’s licence to that specific country’s driver’s licence. Instead, you’d have to obtain a new driver’s licence in the country you migrated to or plan to migrate to or apply for an International Driver’s Licence at the Automobile Association in South Africa before you leave

A driver’s licence confirmation letter can also be used when you are visiting another country and intend to hire a car while there. The confirmation letter will be used to verify your driver’s licence. Remember if you produce your driver’s licence confirmation letter to a law enforcement officer it cannot be interpreted as a driver’s licence.

Important things to note

  • A South African driver’s licence doesn’t expire, only the card expires and has to be renewed after every five years, with new sets of fingerprints taken and an eye test is done as well.
  • You cannot convert your South African driver’s licence into the country you’ve migrated to, if your South African driver’s licence has expired, even if you were issued with a driver’s licence confirmation letter. It can only be converted before it expires.
  • Not all countries accepts the South African driver’s licence. In this case, if you move to a country that does not accept the South African driver’s licence, you can either apply for that country’s driver’s licence or get an International Driver’s Licence, which can be obtained at Automobile Association in South Africa before you leave.
  • Remember if you produce your driver’s licence confirmation letter to a law enforcement officer it cannot be interpreted as a driver’s licence.

Obtain Your Driving Licence Confirmation Letter Quickly with Global Apostille


Global Apostille is a Pretoria-based legalisation agency that can assist you in applying for and obtaining a Letter of Confirmation for your Driving Licence within 10 working days so that it can be legally used abroad. Our Express Driving Licence Confirmation Letter service includes:

  • Checking your application documents for the Driving Licence Confirmation Letter to ensure they have been properly completed as required.
  • Submission of application documents to the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC).
  • Fast-track your application & receipt of your Driving Licence Confirmation Letter.
  • Our transparent pricing structure includes verification and submission of documents to the RTMC for a competitive fee of R2700.00

For more information on our express Driving Licence Confirmation Letter service contact us today at 012 348 3134, 081 347 6060. You can also email us at or visit our website at

How do I get my driver's license confrimation in South Africa.
Article Name
How do I get my driver's license confrimation in South Africa.
The driver’s licence confirmation enables a person to convert their South African driver’s licence into another country’s driver’s licence. Not all countries accept South African driver’s licences. This blog post guides you on the stamps to take in order to get your driver's license confirmation letter to allow you to drive in other countries.
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Global Apostille Lagalisation
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  1. Good day, apart from the form l fill with my hand, what else should I attached to it to successfully apply for my Driver’s License Confirmation letter.
    Your response is highly appreciated
    Your sincerely
    M.F Rulore

    1. Global Apostille- South Africa

      Good day Sibomana,
      We kindly recommend that you get in with a drivers licence department or office to further
      assist you.

      Best regards.

  2. Hi I would like to have 4 people s conformation s done (drivers license) but have had bad experience with payment. Is there no place I can come in pay in cash and handover the relevant applications?

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