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convert foreign driving licence south africa-pretoria-johannesburg-capetown-durban

A local guide to understanding the process for exchanging a driving licence issued in another country, when you live in South Africa.

Not all foreign driver’s licences are recognised in South Africa. There are certain countries that need to convert their foreign driver’s licence into a South African one in order to be able to drive in South Africa. If you are on a tourist or a visitor visa you are allowed to use your foreign driver’s licence accompanied by an international driver’s permit, translated into one of the 11 official languages of South Africa, if you come from a country that speaks a different language from South Africa. The foreign driver’s licence is valid for a year in South Africa. If you plan to stay longer or have obtained South African permanent residency you’ll then have to convert your foreign driver’s licence into a South African driver’s licence. This article will detail the process of converting your foreign driver’s licence into a South African driver’s licence.

Process of converting your foreign driver’s licence to a South African driver’s licence

  1. Visit the driving licence testing centre (DLTC) in the province where you got your permit for permanent residence.
  2. Fully fill in the DL1 application form for exchange of a driving licence, this can be done at any driving licence testing centre.
  3. You must also completely fill out the notification of change of address or particulars of person or organisation form. 
  4. The following are the documents which you need to submit:

Convert foreign driving licence south africa-johannesburg-capetown-durban

    • Identification such as your South African passport, ID card/book, temporary ID, or foreign passport with a permanent residence permit.
    • ID-sized photographs in black and white.
    • Your current foreign driver’s licence.
    • Your proof of permanent residence in South Africa
    • Proof that you obtained your foreign driver’s licence in another country before you gained permanent residence in South Africa.
    • Translation of your driver’s licence if it’s not in any of the 11 official South African languages.
    • A driver’s licence confirmation letter from your country, proving the validity of your driver’s licence, with the categories of cars that you are allowed to drive and your driver’s licence code.
    • If you have an international driving permit (IDP), you must provide your driving licence to the issuing body.
    • Proof of South African Residential address.
    • If you reside in an informal settlement you must provide a letter from the ward councellor, with a date and official stamp, confirming your residential address.

5. You’ll be offered a new driver’s licence once the driving licence centre:

    • Is satisfied that you own a foreign driver’s licence.
    • And once you hand over your foreign driver’s licence to be replaced with a South African driver’s licence.

The only test that you would have to take is an eye test, which will be done at the driving licence centre before they can exchange your foreign driver’s licence for a South African one. 

Requirements for converting your foreign driver’s licence for a South African driver’s licence

  • Your driver’s licence should be valid.
  • It should be translated into any of the 11 official South African languages.
  • It should come together with a driver’s licence confirmation letter from your country’s embassy and also be accompanied by a translation if it isn’t in any of the official South African languages.
  • It should include your signature and photo.

Important information

  • There isn’t an exact time frame for when you’ll receive your new South African driver’s licence, the time frame varies from testing centre to testing centre.
  • The cost also depends on which testing centre you went to convert your driver’s licence. But the standard price is R140 and R45 extra for a temporary driver’s licence.
  • Your foreign driver’s licence should be converted within a year, after a year it will be considered invalid.

Obtain Your Driving Licence Confirmation Letter Quickly with Global Apostille


Global Apostille is a Pretoria-based legalisation agency that can assist you in applying for and obtaining a Letter of Confirmation for your Driving Licence within 10 working days so that it can be legally used abroad. Our Express Driving Licence Confirmation Letter service includes:

  • Checking your application documents for the Driving Licence Confirmation Letter to ensure they have been properly completed as required.
  • Submission of application documents to the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC).
  • Fast-track your application & receipt of your Driving Licence Confirmation Letter.
  • Our transparent pricing structure includes verification and submission of documents to the RTMC for a competitive fee of R2 700.00.

For more information on our express Driving Licence Confirmation Letter service contact us today at 012 348 3134, 081 347 6060. You can also email us at or visit our website at

Converting foreign driver's licence South Africa
Article Name
Converting foreign driver's licence South Africa
You need to convert your foreign driver's licence into a South African driver's licence in order to be able to drive your own car in South Africa. This article provides you with the process you need to take in order to do that.
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Global Apostille Lagalisation
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  1. What is correct with regard to SADC?
    Some people claim that for as long one comes from one of the countries within SADC there is no need to convert driving licence from foreign to South African

    1. Global Apostille- South Africa

      Good day, kindly contact your nearest driving licence testing centre for more information.
      Kind regards.

  2. My daughter has a Botswana drivers license.
    She want to change the license into a south African license.
    South african transport want her to redo the hole license in south Africa.
    She has confirmation from The Botswana high commission and Botswana traffic department that her license is true.
    Please how do we go forward. As surely this is against SADEC rules

    1. Global Apostille- South Africa

      Good day Gert,
      We’d kindly like to recommend that you contact a driving licence testing centre near you, to
      guide you with a more efficient solution.

      Kind regards.

  3. How can you convert a foreign driving license when you have permanent residence for over a year?
    Is it possible as a permanent resident to drive with a valid foreign driving license which is also an international one?

    1. Global Apostille- South Africa

      Good day,
      Thank you for reaching out we kindly recommend you to contact or visit your
      nearest driving licence testing centre for further assistance.

      Kind regards.

  4. Hi.
    I am a SA citizen, I’ve been living in Portugal for 9 months and converted my SA license to a Portuguese license. I am returning to SA in May so how do I get my SA license back? Can I just renew it?

    1. Global Apostille- South Africa

      Good day Arthur,
      We kindly recommend that you contact your nearest driving licence testing centre,
      for more information.

      Best regards.

  5. I have a 5-year temporary work permit. So basically you’re saying that I can drive for my first year and then I can’t drive for the remaining four, because I don’t have proof of permanent residence?

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